Pennsaco produces Ultra Green Hydrogen and High Purity Biochar from sustainable waste, and we are building the world’s largest sustainable commodities company.
Ultra Green Hydrogen removes carbon from the atmosphere with every mile traveled. By replacing diesel, jet fuel, and gasoline with hydrogen, engines running on Ultra Green Hydrogen discharge only water while reducing carbon in the atmosphere.
High-purity biochar permanently removes thousands of tons of CO2 from the atmosphere, expanding the goals of sustainability to an industrial scale.
Made from waste materials, Pennsaco’s patented process:
- Reduces waste
- Generates green energy in excess of plants demands
- Produces green hydrogen for transportation and biochar for land application
A Pennsaco facility can process sustainably managed waste, producing thousands of tons of Ultra Green Hydrogen and High Purity Biochar. The plants have positive environmental impacts, create great local jobs, and keep energy production secure and domestic.